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- 02062025 EDITIONThursday, January 6, 2025
- Grand Lucayan ‘important’ but GB needs more - DPMDEPUTY Prime Minister Chester Cooper acknowledged the importance of the Grand Lucayan resort to Grand Bahama’s economy but suggested that …
- DPM touts $1.25bn cruise tourism effectCruise tourism injects around $1.25bn into the Bahamian economy annually, the deputy prime minister estimated yesterday, and accounts for just …
- Foreign vessel accused of ‘dozen’ illegal chartersAuthorities yesterday said they hope the arrest of a vessel and its occupants accused of conducting at least “a dozen” …
- Opposition chair: ‘Come clean’ over energy reforms progressThe Opposition’s chairman yesterday urged the Government to “come clean” over its energy transformation deal amid suggestions a key partner …
- FNM: WHERE IS SALE OF GRAND LUCAYAN? Pintard blasts Cooper over lack of progress on hotel and airportMICHAEL Pintard blasted Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Chester Cooper for not yet overseeing the sale of the …
- Diamond depository deal would help ensure Botswana not ‘held hostage’ by global northPRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis elaborated on his hopes of turning Grand Bahama into a depository for diamonds from Botswana …
- Govt considers giving bench or jury trial choiceATTORNEY General Ryan Pinder said government might consider changing the status quo of the judicial system so people could choose …