By LAMECH JOHNSON ljohnson@tribunemedia.net THREE persons who stood surety for a man who failed to appear at his drug trial more than two years ago are faced with having to pay his $50,000 bail bond if he is convicted in a pending drug case. The disclosure was made by Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell as 34-year-old Omar Chisholm was arraigned in Magistrate's Court on a warrant of arrest for not returning to court for trial. The magistrate told the suretors she would not ask them to pay the $50,000 bond "today" (yesterday afternoon) as she would wait for the outcome of the trial on February 1. Chisholm, who had been charged with possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply, was supposed to appear in court on November 4, 2009 with co-defendant Valentino Johnson, but failed to do so. In yesterday's proceedings at the new Nassau Street court complex, Deputy Chief Magistrate Bethell asked the Yamacraw Hill Road resident his reason for being absent for trial. "I was scared," he replied. Asked about his whereabouts, he said, "I been right here in Nassau." He said that with the recent accusations against him concerning two shootings last year, he reasoned it was in his best interest to face the charges. Chisholm was also charged in connection with two attempted killings last October. It is alleged that he tried to kill two men, Kevin Johnson and Frankie Pierre, on October 26, 2011. On the night in question, both victims were injured in a double shooting on Fowler Street off East Bay Street. He was not required to plead to the attempted murder charges. Instead he will be served with a Voluntary Bill of Indictment on March 27. On the issue of bail, the magistrate said: "Even if I had the right to grant you bail, I will not. You've been at large for some time."

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