A Kairos Season

By ALLISON MILLER HAPPY New Year and God's choice blessings to you in the coming months. I trust that all of you had a God-filled Christmas as we declared that life was the gift of Christmas. My deepest sympathy to those who mourn the passing of loved ones. I mourn with and pray for you. Their is no pain the we feel that heaven cannot heal. God is with you. I am excited to be in this New Year and season of our lives. By way of the preached word, God has declared 2012 as a year of government, divine order and structure. All that was out of order must and will come into order. The word went on to say that we are in a "Kairos Season". Kairos is a specific time when God open doors of opportunities for his children. However, as the people of God we can not afford to be casual or slothful about this timing. This Kairos Season must be treated with the uttermost urgency. Failure to do so will result in us missing our destiny. Who wants to live without affecting or effecting a positive Godly change? We are now in a time when we must do all that God has called us to do. People of the most high God, we are called to a dying world. In that world are generations we must be a light to. Our light is what God will use to reach the lost and dying. To the people the naysayers attack, remember that Satan's job is to kill, steal and destroy. He does not care about how he hurts you and who he uses to hurt you. As God's children we make ourselves to be used by God. Some people allow themselves to be used by the devil. We have to be reminded that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds. The hurtful things people say about us, to us and behind our backs are some of the weapons Satan uses. Those words get into our psyche and their intent is to kill our spirit, steal our joy and destroy our love for God and people. We in return must use the weapons that God gave us. Weapons of prayer, fasting and reading of the word of God.

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