Abaco short list down to four

FNM LEADER Dr Hubert Minnis said that his party has narrowed the field to four possible candidates who will be put forward in an eventual by-election for the North Abaco constituency. Currently the seat is being represented by the party's former leader, and the country's immediate past Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham. Mr Ingraham has represented the people of North Abaco for more than 30 years and is expected to formally resign his Parliamentary seat on July 19. Yesterday, Dr Minnis said that the FNM has four candidates - who they were not prepared to name at this time - who have been interviewed by the North Abaco association and will be brought before the party's Candidate's Committee before any final decision will be made. "Those four candidates will be presented with one being finally selected and the other three pledging their support for the one who was chosen. It is a democratic process," he said. Dr Minnis added that the party's former leader has promised to campaign with whomever is selected as the party's standard bearer for the constituency. In this by-election, the PLP is expected to put forward their former candidate Renaldo Curry, who ran a close second to Mr Ingraham in the General Election, losing by fewer than 400 votes. Mr Curry has expressed his confidence in the past of being victorious against whomever the FNM puts up this time, saying that Abaconians were "disappointed" in Mr Ingraham's decision, and were now looking for 'new representation' under the PLP.

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