Abroad, but no need to be out of REACH

A NEW non-partisan, apolitical group composed of Bahamians abroad and friends of the Bahamas has come together to represent the interests of Bahamians who live overseas. The Council for Concerned Bahamians Abroad (CBA) is a network of people who care about the policies and initiatives affecting the Bahamas, its people, its economy and its development. According to a statement, the council's primary concerns include the protection and preservation of the economic and family interests of Bahamians residing or domiciled outside the Bahamas, and the impact of initiatives launched by the government of the Bahamas. The council has issued an invitation to all Bahamians and Bahamian organisations outside the Bahamas, Bahamian-Americans, and friends of the Bahamas with concerns about the future of the country and its people to participate in CBA forums and activities. The council has established an internet hub at www. ourbahamas.org which will serve as an online gathering place and forum for expatriate Bahamians wherever they are located. The statement said: "As a voice for Bahamians abroad, the council's primary function is to provide a forum to monitor, analyse, and discuss policies, initiatives, and issues affecting the Bahamas and its people. "The council as a forum will gather comments and opinions, and publish informed reports addressing solutions to the issues, needs and effects of such policies and initiatives."

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