Annual Missions Conference returns to Grace Community

ON Sunday, January 29, Grace Community Church will launch its 26th Annual Global Missions Conference. God's messenger for the conference this year is once again Senior Pastor Allan Lee, Calvary Bible Church. The church is looking forward to see how God will use Pastor Lee to challenge many to continue or increase their commitments to the mission. The theme for the conference that ends Sunday, February 5, is " Missions: The unfinished task". Over the past 25 years, Grace has been supporting individual missionaries and mission organisations financially. Their missionaries are involved in Bible translation, church planting, leadership training and various helps to their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering for their faith in many countries around the world. Grace is indeed thankful that God uses its members to touch people's lives in other nations of the world. Grace is presently financially supporting 24 individuals and organisations who are involved in taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to people who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ. Those missionaries also ensure that many people who do not have the Bible in their own language can have a copy which they can read for themselves. For the past 24 years, Grace Community Church has had the privilege to be involved in sending short-term missions teams to Haiti, Dominican Republic, St. Vincent, Grenada, St. Maarten, Mexico, Grand Bahama, and last year to Camp Bahamas and Tarpun Bay, Eleuthera. During this 24 years, over 360 persons from both Grace and other Bahamian churches have been involved in these mission trips.

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