Archbishop defends PLP attendance

ANGLICAN Archbishop Drexel Gomez said yesterday that he did not appear at a PLP event as an official representative of the church. On Monday, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham called on PLP leader Perry Christie to apologise for allowing Archbishop Gomez to make remarks at a PLP North Andros constituency opening on Friday, in support of his brother and PLP candidate for the area, Dr Perry Gomez. The prime minister's comments came during the official opening of the FNM Long Island constituency office on Monday. He said: "I do call upon Perry Christie to apologise for that. He knows better." Mr Ingraham said the FNM recently came under fire for holding political events and meetings during lent. "Well what do you think about a bishop on a political podium during lent?" he asked the crowd. Describing Dr Gomez's accomplishments, including his career in the fight against AIDS as the director of the National AIDS Programme, Archbishop Gomez said he would be a good representative for the North Andros constituency. Yesterday, the archbishop told the media that as the oldest living sibling, he thought it proper that he introduce his brother to the people of North Andros. He noted that he did so wearing his clerical collar under a suit rather than a cassock, as he was not representing the church at the time.

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