THE Bank of the Bahamas and the Kiwanis Club of Nassau AM launched the Toys for Tots Drive yesterday. Members of the public may drop off new, unwrapped toys suitable for children up to 12 years old, to any BOB location in New Providence until Wednesday, December 21. Children in the Bain and Grants Town area will be presented with the donated toys on Christmas morning. "We very much appreciate BOB's participation in our Toys for Tots Drive. This gives us invaluable exposure at BOB's many branches to allow BOB customers and the general public to donate toys to less fortunate children of the Bain and Grants Town communities," said Natila Saunders, director and Young Children Priority One chairperson for the Kiwanis Club of Nassau AM. Gifts may be donated at all branches on weekdays and on Saturdays at the Harrold Road and Village Road branches, which are open from 9.30am to 1pm. "It gives us all a great sense of satisfaction to know that we at BOB are helping to make a child's Christmas a bit brighter," said marketing manager Michael Basden. "We appreciate the Kiwanis Club of Nassau AM inviting the bank to partner with them and we applaud Kiwanians for caring enough to personally deliver the presents to the children of Bain and Grants Town on Christmas morning." The Toys for Tots Drive is one of many outreach programmes in which BOB has participated, partnering in the past with civic organisations, agencies, companies and individuals to increase literacy, contribute to youth development, support law enforcement or boost health and well-being initiatives.

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