Basic Ingredients

By ANGELA PALACIOUS WHEN you are planning to accomplish a set plan, you begin with basic ingredients. A Junkanoo group begins with a design, drawings, and frames, later on the decorations are added. To bake a cake, ingredients such as flour, eggs, milk, sugar and butter have to be combined and baked before the icing is applied. A seamstress or tailor starts with material, thread, a pattern and a machine before considering the addition of frills, buttons and lace. It is no different when it comes to creating a life. What are the key ingredients, the core values, the spiritual principles that are essential to developing strong character, establishing goals and following ideals? What will assist you with accomplishing your dreams that are worth dreaming? Consider the following areas for careful consideration: 1. Personal integrity, which seeks to promote consistency of belief, thought, speech and action. How could the label hypocrite honestly be leveled at us? Do we become uncomfortable when we recognize inconsistencies or is our conscience so hardened that we are no longer embarrassed by our own lies, deceit, or "game playing". 2. Spiritual maturity enables such integration to develop over time. It also helps to answer the question: Why was I born? Do you agree that we were born to please God, to use our gifts and talents to be a blessing to the world, and to set a godly example for the next generation? 3. A work ethic that is solid, where we seek to give our best, do our best and be our best. Striving to build up rather than tear down the company or institution we are a part of is an approach that guarantees a sense of personal satisfaction. 4. A positive attitude that is pleasant and friendly, courteous and respectful, is a definite asset in a world of disgruntled and disagreeable people. 5. Conduct that is dignified (not coarse or vulgar) enables us to be selected to represent our organization, job or school, and to be considered eligible for promotion or elevation. 6. Reputation is a good name that we need to protect. If we have compromised in the past, we can always start again and move in different circles. Better to remember ahead of time and apply the adage "prevention is better than cure". 7. Self-esteem is the way we see ourselves, and how our aspirations can shape our expectations. Let us seek to pursue high moral standards, knowing what is right, and doing what is right. What other basic ingredients are you applying to your life at this time? Remember your life is a gift from God and we want to cherish it as we influence others to do the same.

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