IN OCTOBER, RoyalStar Assurance launched its "Click for A Cause" fall campaign to drive public support for another group of charitable organisations. The online, interactive campaign branded by AdWorks, RSA's advertising and design firm, generated well over 1,000 votes. RSA introduced this initiative in 2010 and, thanks to aggressive voting by the general public, awarded donations to a total of six charities - Hands For Hunger, the Bahamas National Trust, the Ranfurly Home, Bahamas Conference Women's Missionary Society, BHumane and Sister Sister. This fall, the public was invited to visit and vote for the charity of their choice from a list that included Abilities Unlimited, the AIDS Foundation of the Bahamas, BASRA (Bahamas Air, Sea Rescue Association), the Persis Rodgers Home for the Aged, the Bahamas Red Cross, the Scout Association of the Bahamas, Project Read, Ride For Hope, the Hopedale Centre, the Bahamas Children's Emergency Hostel and the Salvation Army. Voters were also free to add charities to the list and cast votes for them. The fall campaign is now wrapped up and Abilities Unlimited, the Hopedale Centre and the Bahamas Children's Emergency Hostel emerged with the highest number of online votes. Abilities Unlimited, established in 1974 by the Bahamas Council for the Handicapped, provides disabled persons with a chance to develop vocational skills including ceramic craft production and furniture repair. At present there are 17 disabled persons employed at AU, including mentally challenged and speech and hearing impaired individuals. The Hopedale Centre provides academic and vocational services to students with special needs. For more than 20 years, Hopedale has offered programmes and services designed to develop each student's capabilities and prepare them to live and work as independently as possible. The Bahamas Children's Emergency Hostel, founded by the Bahamas Christian Council, opened its doors in 1962. The hostel provides emergency and temporary shelter for abandoned, neglected and abused children from six weeks to 11 years old. Currently, 28 children live at the home.

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