POLICE yesterday urged all road users to be aware of their surroundings after a boy was struck by a car this weekend. The child was hit while attempting to cross the street near the Queen Elizabeth Sports Centre on Saturday. The incident happened near to where the Father Marcian Peters basketball tournament was being played in the Kendal G L Isaacs gymnasium. Police spokesman Sgt Chrislyn Skippings last night urged pedestrians to be careful when crossing the road. She said: "It's really unfortunate that it happened. We always tell the public to take safety precautions when on the road and to be mindful of your surroundings. "We ask parents especially to make sure that their kids are safe and ensure that they know how to cross the road, to look both ways repeatedly before crossing. "Children can get a little excited sometimes when they're at a function or doing some sort of activity, but adults and parents have to make sure the children are safe."

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