Cassius Stuart backs out of deputy leader race

FORMER Free National Movement candidate Cassius Stuart has withdrawn his bid for the deputy leadership of the party, it was announced on his Facebook page yesterday. Giving a detailed explanation of why he originally decided to run for the post, Mr Stuart, pictured, did not offer any reasons for his sudden about-face. Mr Stuart asserts that he still strongly believes he can be "very effective" in helping bring about a transformation of the party, only to cryptically add: "I must forgo this decision". He wrote: "Recently I submitted my bid for the post of deputy leader of the FNM. It was indeed my belief that after 12 years of active political involvement I would be able to bring another aspect to our party and assist to attract the upcoming generation of young voters. "Our party, in my opinion, would do well to have an injection of new and vibrant talent as well as thinkers that would truly 'ignite' our party; just as our soon to be former leader, Hubert Ingraham, did in 1992 with the 'Young Turks'. "For this reason I was compelled and fuelled to move forward and contest the deputy leader position of our party. Even though I strongly believe I can be very effective in bringing about this transformation I must forgo this decision. "On this note I wish to inform you that I am withdrawing my proposal from the race for deputy leader of the FNM party." "I extend sincere 'Thank You' to the many persons who came forward with their support, encouragement and expressions of well wishes, and, as we go to convention let us do so in the spirit of oneness and excellence." When the former Bahamas Democratic Alliance leader threw his hat into the deputy leadership ring last week, he said he could make the FNM more "sexy" than fellow hopeful, Loretta Butler-Turner. He said: "I think I will do a better job as deputy leader than she can. I can make the FNM sexy and more attractive. She is not appealing to the woman voter and I am. "They just are not attracted to her. We lost the female support in the last election and I can get them back, I can strengthen our support," he said. Mrs Butler-Turner brushed off Mr Stuart's comments, saying: "It's all a part of the democratic process." She said: "He has the right to say whatever he wants. We are a part of the same team and I think we both want what is best for the party. I am prepared to fight for the position. His views are his business. May the best person win."

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