Charm school to offer lessons in manners

THE creators of a new charm school in Nassau say they are dedicated to developing confident, successful and "fabulous" young women of tomorrow. FAB Factor Studio is a boutique charm school specialising in modelling, wardrobe styling and fitness for girls ages nine to 17. But the curriculum is more than skin deep - character, morals, manners are the among the topics covered. The girls also will be taught how to avoid peer pressure and the value of community service. Classes are taught by Tessa-Simone Lightbourne, a former debutante, model and certified etiquette and protocol instructor. Dance fitness is taught by Regina Smith, dancer and certified trainer. Fab Factor Studio is the first local company to be certified by the Academy of Etiquette and Protocol in Orlando, Florida. The weekly classes run an hour, and the current registration period ends on April 9, 2012.

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