Christie makes 'inside dealing' claim over roads

THE NEW Providence Road Improvement Project is the most over-budget project in Bahamian history, according to PLP Leader Perry Christie, who accused the government of "inside dealing". Underscoring advancements in employment and infrastructure throughout the country under the PLP, Mr Christie lashed out at the government's management of the road works at a rally to launch the party's San Salvador constituency office last night. Mr Christie charged that foreign contractors are "getting rich" while Bahamians suffer from widespread economic and social ills. "Did you know that the road works in New Providence are nearly one hundred million dollars over budgeted, with no end in sight?" Mr Christie asked, claiming the situation came about "as a result of massive incompetence, shady back-room deals, and a culture of inside dealing". He said: "Nearly $100 million over budget. The most over budgeted project in the history of the Bahamas! "This government turned a project which was supposed to be a stimulus for our economy into a jobs killer. "Hundreds of jobs lost because they keep digging up the same roads over and over." Mr Christie told supporters that a PLP government, if elected, will double investments in education and training to ensure that all Bahamians receive the best training possible. In addition to the creation of "Career Path Academies", Mr Christie also promised to increase opportunities and provide technical support to grow Bahamian ownership in the tourism industry. "I've been visiting with Bahamians from every island - and everyone's looking for the same thing," he said. "For the security and the dignity of a steady job. A good education for their children. Safety in their streets and in their homes. Access to affordable housing and affordable, quality health care. Opportunities - the chance to become full participants in the information and technology revolutions of the 21st century. "In our last PLP government, we created 22,000 jobs - that's 22,000 jobs for Bahamians. We built a record number of classrooms and a record number of homes. We provided $25 million for Bahamian entrepreneurs. We pioneered award-winning anti-crime programmes. And we always put Bahamians first. "San Sal - the FNM never delivered the affordable housing sub-division you deserve. We will. And they never delivered the schools you need for your children. We're going to build those schools." Mr Christie highlighted the accomplishments of PLP deputy leader and candidate for the area Brave Davis, who he said will play a key role in the next PLP-led government. "Brave and I will work together to modernise schools across the Bahamas, so our schools are energy-friendly and provide our children access to the best technology - this commitment will create a lot of Bahamian jobs quickly and it will mean our children have the tools they need to succeed," he said.

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