Christie repeats education pledge

ADDRESSING a crowd in Exuma last night, opposition leader Perry Christie repeated his promise to double the more than 200 million spent on education each year. Mr Christie said: "Exuma, I may not be a perfect man, but I sure know what this moment in our history requires. "I know that Bahamians deserve access to the best education, the best training, and the best technology, so you can compete in the 21st century. "When I see Bahamians out of work, or stuck in low-wage, dead-end jobs they can't even depend on, I know we can do so much better." Mr Christie said a bright future for the Bahamas depends on whether or not the government of the day "invests in people". Noting that the New Providence road works are now more than $100 over budget, he said: "Do you think a roadworks project in New Providence that now costs more than $200 million has nothing to do with you, Exuma? "Of course it does - those cost overruns get added to the national debt. That's money you owe - you and your children and their children. "But when the PLP talks about making a massive new investment in education and training - Ingraham says it can't be done. "The PLP is the only one saying not only can we do this, but we must do it. We must invest in people, because the truth is that we need really big change in the Bahamas." Mr Christie said the first step in this change is believing in the Bahamas. He said: "When we say believe in the Bahamas, we mean Career Path Academies, with expanded technical and vocational training and apprenticeship opportunities for 15,000 young people annually. "When we say believe in the Bahamas, we mean worker re-training - so Bahamians already in the workforce can continue to get new skills, so they can stay competitive, keep their jobs or move up the ladder. "When we say Believe in the Bahamas, we mean a major upgrade to the nation's schools, so our children are learning in energy-friendly schools with the latest technology, and learning from teachers who have access to the best training and best practices. "When we say Believe in the Bahamas, we mean contracts for Bahamian companies to construct and repair docks and bridges and roads and seawalls and airports in the Family Islands. "When we say Believe in the Bahamas, we mean changing the Hotel Encouragement Act to require hotels to engage Bahamian entertainment and use Bahamian companies for ground transport and room and tour bookings."

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