Christie says voter fraud claims are just intimidation

By PACO NUNEZ Tribune News Editor THE claims of voter fraud in North Andros are nothing more than an attempt to intimidate voters, opposition leader Perry Christie said last night. Addressing the crowd at the opening of the PLP's Fox Hill constituency office, Mr Christie said it is one thing when the FNM attacks opposition MPs, but another thing entirely when civilians are the target. "And make no mistake about it - that's what these cooked-up allegations of voter fraud are all about: (Prime Minister) Hubert Ingraham is trying to intimidate voters in North Andros and voters everywhere," he said. Mr Christie said that for years, Mr Ingraham's detractors have accused him of acting like a dictator. "This voter fraud story is more of the same - Hubert Ingraham sending a message that he's going to intimidate Bahamians who don't support him," he said. Mr Christie said the PLP is "working carefully" to make sure all voters are registered in the right place under the new rules. "If there is any confusion on the part of voters, as they adjust to new rules, it will be sorted out, and it's hardly worthy of screaming and shouting from the Prime Minister, unless the Prime Minister is, as always, seeking to distract from his record of failure," he said. Hearings in North Andros are already underway following claims by the FNM candidate, Minister of Education Desmond Bannister, that PLP operatives have been flying voters in from other islands to register in the constituency. The governing party has produced two lists of voters they want local authorities and election officials to investigate. The FNM is said to have in its possession sworn statements from some of these individuals, confirming they were flown into the island by PLP agents.

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