Court hears bishop's sex conviction appeal

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter BISHOP Randy Fraser's appeal against his unlawful sex conviction continues today in the Court of Appeal. The hearing will resume with attorney Jiaram Mangra comparing the victim's account of the number of times sex took place with the details of a doctor's examination. Fraser, convicted last November of having sex with a dependent between July 2005 and February 2006, sat in court as his attorney Mr Mangra said the conviction was "unjust and unreasonable" given the evidence. Prosecutors argued that the minister abused his position of trust by having sexual relations with a 16-year-old girl who he had agreed to counsel. During yesterday's hearing, Mr Mangra argued there were a number of inconsistencies in the testimony of the victim, who told the court she and Fraser had sexual relations as many as 48 times. He pointed out that in an earlier trial, she said they only had sex 15 times. However, Justice Stanley John questioned if the number of occasions matter, as there is "ample evidence that sexual encounters took place". "What she is consistent with is that several incidents of sexual intercourse between the appellant and herself took place between July and February," the justice said. Appellate Court president Justice Anita Allen and Justice Abdulai Conteh agreed. Mr Mangra retorted that the allegations should be proven, which he contends was not the case. "You really want us to believe a 16-year-old girl would come out in public and make up all of this?" Justice John asked. Mr Mangra complimented the victim's intelligence, but said "she is no innocent babe" and based on the testimony of her mother, "is very cunning and full of guile." The case resumes today at 10am.

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