THE US Embassy in Nassau is calling for students to take part in the 6th annual Dr Martin Luther King Jr Civil Rights Essay Contest. The purpose of the contest is to encourage students throughout the Bahamas to explore the life of Dr King and reflect on how civil rights and diversity affect their lives today. All high school students in the Bahamas in grades 10 through 12 are invited to participate in the contest. Two winners will receive the grand prize - a new Apple iPad 2 - and their winning essays will be featured in national newspapers. Each participating school will also receive a copy of the History Channel's film KING. This year's essay theme will centre on the contributions made by American civil rights leaders who were influenced Dr King. Students will be asked to write an original essay of 500 words or less that describes the contributions made by one leader of the American civil rights movement. Students will also be asked to describe what they can do in their own community to contribute to a more peaceful and non-violent world. All essays must be submitted electronically as an email attachment no later than February 1, 2012 at 5pm to: MLKessay@state.gov. For additional details on the 2012 competition and the official entry forms, visit the US Embassy's webpage, http://nassau.usembassy.gov/mlkessay2012.html, the Embassy's Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/USEmbassyNassau or call (242) 322-1181 ext 4251.

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