Eye pioneer takes technology breakthrough to europe

AFTER its highly successful launch in the Bahamas, a new technology that vastly improves reading vision has now expanded to Europe. Pioneering local eye doctor Jonathan Rodgers explained that some of his patients improved so dramatically that they no longer need reading glasses. The procedure is now considered such a success, that it is already being practised in countries such as Switzerland, Italy and the UK. The technology is being used only on persons over 40, as this is the time when reading vision naturally begins to deteriorate in most persons. Vision Rejuvenation is a laser technology invented in the United States that does not involve invasive cutting and temporarily improves reading vision. "It is truly a breakthrough technology, because it is completely safe and involves reshaping the cornea of the eyes without risking the line of sight." said Dr Rodgers of the Vision Centre, who has more than 20 years of experience as an ophthalmologist. "Your prescription naturally changes every two years after age 40 and about 50 per cent of the persons treated have seen improvements from 18 months to two years." The procedure is repeatable - and therefore can in some cases eliminate the use of glasses for the rest of a patient's life. Over the past four years, more than 1,200 procedures have been performed in the Bahamas. This pioneering clinical study provided information to the FDA that enabled ophthalmology clinics in Massachusetts and California to launch clinical trials more than a year ago. The FDA has a lengthy approval process that has generated congressional hearings according to an article in Eye World, a leading magazine for ophthalmologists. In the article, Dr Sean Lanchulev expressed frustration with the FDA approval process, saying it gives foreign doctors an unfair advantage on advanced eye technologies. "It is precisely this advantage that makes it possible for medical tourism opportunities to exist," Dr Rodgers pointed out. Already persons from the US have travelled to the Bahamas for the procedure. "I wore reading glasses for 45 years," said Liz Lockerman from Texas. "Now I can read a magazine without glasses." Many Bahamians have also taken advantage of the procedure - which only costs about as much as a good pair of reading glasses. The next clinic is planned for March 15. Dr Rodgers said anyone interested in learning more about the procedure can visit the website http://2020reading.com.

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