Family of dogs found

A CALL has gone out for information on the owner of three dogs found wandering the Harmony Hill/ Blair area. The doberman, shepherd and golden retriever were first noticed earlier this week by the crimewatch group for the area, who observed that the dogs have a very close bond - and that the doberman has been caring for the handicapped retriever. The dogs have now been picked up by the Bahamas Humane Society (BHS), but so far they remain unclaimed. A spokesperson for the crimewatch said: "Sadly, no-one has come forward to claim them - which is such a shame, as they seem to be very bonded as a group and happy with each other's company. All well tempered dogs, they are affectionate and well behaved. "The retriever is elderly and has hip trouble and walks with a severe limp. The small shepherd has a bad flea allergy and has lost a lot of his rear coat. They would both benefit from a good grooming and flea prevention treatment. "The Doberman is very attached to the retriever and watches over her continuously. Their interactions are very touching to observe." Members of the Blair community have been asked to spread the word to all friends living in the surrounding neighbourhoods in an effort to get these dogs back to their owner. Anyone with information or questions about these dogs should call Fiona at BHS on 323-5138.

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