FNM Carmichael candidate says rivals have no track record

FREE National Movement Carmichael candidate Darron Cash dismissed both his opponents as political novices with no track record to speak of. Mr Cash, who is currently the chairman of the Bahamas Development Bank, served as an FNM senator and has contributed to community initiatives for many years. He said: "This is the people of Carmichael's opportunity to choose their next leader. The choice is between one who has a 30-year track record of community service and leadership and of working and speaking to issues important to the people, and 'Johnny-come-lately' with no record and a lot of 'what I would dos'. I say, look at what I have done." Mr Cash was referring to Dr Daniel Johnson of the PLP and Theofanis Cochinamogulous of the DNA. He also discussed his views on the emergence of the fledgling Democratic National Alliance. "I do not discount the DNA. To our credit, more and more Bahamians who want to see our country move ahead are a little or a lot impatient. They want more change and renewal and they want it now. They are challenging us to do better," he said. "I accept their challenge. I learned early in life not to reinvent the wheel, that those who seek to lead must also be prepared to follow, that we all have our seasons. "I am with a party that has the leadership, team ability and experience to bring about change from day one. This is not the time for a novice and I am taking that message to the people of Carmichael." Mr Cash explained what he feels distinguishes him from the competition. "I have made it clear that I want to represent all the people irrespective of party affiliation. Not only have I been meeting PLPs and FNMs and others, I have ensured that our canvassing teams engage in a meaningful way with all voters," he said. "An important difference between us is that the others start the conversation by asking how many voters are in the house. We start by asking them about the issues that are important to them. We want to learn about them, not just whom they intend to vote for," he said. The candidate was speaking following a "meet-and-greet" with Carmichael constituents, and talked about his reception in the constituency after being presented by the sitting MP, Minister of Education Desmond Bannister. "My reception as the candidate and the reaction to the party's record in the current term and before are very, very positive. Even persons who are disappointed that Mr Bannister will be moving on are responding well to the presence of another dedicated worker," he said. "Many know my record as an agent of change and they appreciate having someone who will not be afraid to go against the tide when necessary. They accept that almost 15 years in the party's leadership speaks to my clear loyalty to the party. In summary, they want a fighter, but also appreciate my loyalty." Mr Cash describes himself as a "change-agent," but categorically denied that he stands out from his FNM colleagues in this regard. Far from conducting business as usual, he said, the party has "personified the willingness to reinvent itself." "That is why I and others are on the ticket," Mr Cash said. "Our party has demonstrated the willingness to take on big issues. That is what change is all about. "My job is to ensure that I am the voice in the room and around the table that ensures that the interests of Carmichael are represented. I will be a change agent in a party that has demonstrated a commitment and willingness to change government and the country."

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