FNM condemns PLP stadium boycott

THE Free National Movement slammed the PLP yesterday for boycotting the opening of the Thomas A Robinson National Stadium last week. While the PLP did send a "small delegation" to the opening out of respect for the Chinese government, the FNM said the absence of the rest of the opposition could be seen as a boycott of the Bahamian people - particularly "young Bahamians". "The PLP also dishonoured the legacy of Tommy Robinson and his contributions to national development. "The opposition turned an event of national unity into a partisan political event. At the grand opening Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham thanked the leader of the opposition and his predecessors in office for their contributions towards the development of the new stadium. "In showing more concern for the feelings of the Chinese government than the Bahamian people, the PLP put a lie to its claim of putting Bahamians first. "In boycotting the Bahamian people, the PLP put a lie to its claim of putting people first. In boycotting the youth of the nation, the PLP put a lie to believing in our young people. "It should be recalled that prior to the 1992 general election the PLP was set to appoint an ambassador to Taiwan. "It was the Ingraham administration that recognised the People's Republic of China in 1997. "Without that recognition, there would never have been the gift of a new national stadium. "In addition to building the new Thomas A Robinson National Stadium, the FNM will transform the QE II Sports Centre into a world-class athletic complex. This new sporting facility will boost employment and economic opportunity. It will aid in youth development, urban renewal and serve as a venue for programmes which will help to fight crime," the party said. The FNM described the opposition as "shameful" for seeking to use one of the biggest national events since independence "for their own selfish and partisan motives".

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