WITH an active new cruise year on the horizon, officials at the Grand Bahama Port Authority are a hosting a "Tourism Opportunity, Awareness and Training Seminar" in an effort to better Grand Bahama's tourism product ranking. The seminar is being held in collaboration with Florida Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA), the Freeport Harbour Company (FHC) and the Ministry of Tourism (MOT). According to GBPA president Ian Rolle, with an expected increase in cruise ship calls in 2012, Grand Bahama has some work to. "Earlier this year, Grand Bahama received very low ratings as a cruise port by passengers; we hope to change that," he said. "By bringing industry stakeholders and partners together, we can collectively address the specific requests and/or complaints of passengers visiting the island, then determine what measures could be put in place quickly to raise Grand Bahama's rankings as a tourism destination. "Tourism plays a vital role in Grand Bahama's economy and most of our tourists arrive via cruise ships. "Therefore, it is critical to ensure that passengers enjoy a pleasant experience, for repeat and new business. This seminar will allow stakeholders to engage cruise industry officials to not only hear complaints, but also solutions to improving Grand Bahama's cruise tourism product." Derek Newbold, business development manager at the GBPA, said: "The 2012 outlook for Freeport's cruise sector is extremely positive. "With that being the case, we want to ensure that our licensees are aware of the weaknesses as documented by previous passengers and by product development leaders within the cruise industry so that we correct and strengthen our position as a tourism destination." During the seminar, those attending will receive information regarding the 2012 Cruise Forecast for Freeport; areas of opportunity for existing and new businesses; and training on how to help improve Freeport's tourism product. "At the end of the day, it's about creating opportunities - not only for our visitors, but residents as well," said Mr Rolle. "This seminar will help us to not only create new vacation experiences for our visitors, but may also result in increased job opportunities for Bahamians, so, it's a win-win situation all around." The seminar is scheduled for early next year and will feature sessions hosted by officials of the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association. It will also provide business start-up information for aspiring entrepreneurs as well as capital procurement tips for existing businesses that want to expand.

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