Government pledges to catch perpetrators responsible for rapes

THE government is confident police will be able to discover who is behind the spree of rapes reported in eastern and western New Providence, Minister of State for National Security Keith Bell said. Sources inside the probe claimed police think they may be dealing with a pair of serial rapists who work together, but senior officers say they cannot be sure if the incidents are connected. After expressing his confidence the police will resolve the matters swiftly, Mr Bell said the rapes are part of a wider crime problem that has deep roots in Bahamian society. He told The Tribune: "I think it really raises some fundamental questions of what is going on in the country. "We have to really begin to look at a number of factors - not simply crime, but all of our deep-seated social issues". Assistant Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson said: "We believe that we will make some inroads in this and find the persons responsible, but we cannot say that all these matters are being committed by the same persons. "Sometimes people prowl around areas, sometimes people follow people home and things happen. That's why we say to people, be alert as to who may be following you as you are going home. "You may see someone following you for any length of time - do not pull up in your yard. Go to the police station and alert the police, saying 'I believe that I am being followed', and officers will be more than happy to see the areas are checked and that you are able to safely get into your home." ACP Ferguson said there have been at least four reported cases of armed robberies in the east and four in the west.

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