Happy feet are good for your heart

By Bernadette Gibson February was Heart Month. What did you do to celebrate your healthy heart? Are you using your feet in any way to contribute to a healthy heart? Readers should be mindful that the foot is a complex structure composed of bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. The foot must support the entire weight of the body during walking and standing. During running and jumping, the forces on the foot can be several times greater than the weight of the body. Exercise Regular activity goes a long way towards keeping you and your heart healthy, as well as lowering your risks for other diseases. The easiest exercise out there is walking. It is simple to do; low stress on aging knees and hips; and is incredibly good for you. The benefits of walking 15 minutes per day are astounding, and can lead to decreased chances of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. If you have not been active due to foot pain, you should seek help. In many cases you are not wearing proper footwear for walking and as a result you are doing more damage to your health than good. I urge you to get active today, it will save you money and add years to your life. Footwear Footwear today is designed for specific activities, having the support in the area where pressure may be present, given that particular activity. For example, if you are walking for fitness, then you should purchase a 'walker-sneaker' because the pressures on the feet will be very different than if you are running. Similarly, many walkers complain of knee pain, which may be because they are using footwear designed for other activities. If you are looking for something a little different, consider something revolutionary like a rocker-soled shoe to enhance your exercise program and add a little pep to your step. This type of footwear will definitely rock your world by directing the body into a stable and correct walk, reducing the stress on the joints. For example, the 'Chung Shi' line of footwear has been scientifically designed as dynamic workout tools. Their unique 'rocker sole' design benefits the user by: Helping to reduce cellulite, toning muscles, increasing circulation, improving posture, reducing lower back pain, strengthening joints; and diminishing spider and varicose veins. To avoid foot pain, seek professional help to assist you with the correct footwear and support (orthotic) for your body and foot type, and to adequately off load the pressure presented by the underlying terrain. Runners, who want to continue running for many years need to ensure there is enough support between their feet and the flat, hard surfaces they run on. Depending on the activity, you need to seek the appropriate footwear and support for that purpose. A professional in the field of footwear can help you best with your selection. Bernadette D. Gibson, a Board Certified and Licensed Pedorthist, is the proprietor of Foot Solutions, a health and wellness franchise that focuses on foot care and proper shoe fit. www.footsolutions.com/nassau

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