THE Bahamas Hot Rod Association paid a visit to Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Charles Maynard to discuss the construction of their new racing track. The association's original track was one of the facilities demolished to make way for the Sports Centre Redevelopment Project. Mr Maynard said the master plan for the sports centre includes a new track, which will run parallel to road Corridor 9. "We are pleased today to welcome them to discuss the commencement of that part of the Phase 1 project and we expect that, within the next two weeks, work will begin on the new state-of-the-art hot rod facility that is going to include a number of new amenities," Mr Maynard said. "It is going to be able to be internationally certified, thereby attracting international hot rod events to the country, in pursuit of our development of sports tourism." President of the Bahamas Hot Rod Association Elwood Donaldson thanked the minister and Director of Sports Tim Munnings for the meeting. "We are appreciative in being a part of Phase 1, building us a state-of-the-art racetrack facility," he said. "Racing will soon be returning to the Bahamas. A lot of the local drivers and some of our international partners are looking forward to this. "We thank the government for keeping us abreast of all the developments and assisting us in the development of our new facility." Mr Maynard added: "We look forward to the project being started shortly and the facility being completed in the course of this calendar year."

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