IWFS announces new award in honour of Jackson Burnside

In Junkanoo, architecture, culture and so much more, Jackson Burnside III pioneered with his talent and dedication. A love of the craft and an eagerness to experience the world led Mr Burnside to travel across the world to enjoy unique structures and cultures. Now, the Islands of the World Fashion Showcase (IWFS) will bistow a post humus honour on the Caribbean legend. Mr Burnside's legacy has inspired the creation of the IWFS Jackson L Burnside III Fashion and Design Award. It is now one of four award categories qualified designers can vie for at the bi-annual event. Mentored by the late Louis I. Khan, Burnside, in his own right became an architectural icon throughout the Caribbean. In his effort to learn more about the world, he in turn taught others how to effectively embrace natural products and merge them with the built environment. The new award recognises the innovative and creative talents of professional designers of the built environment. Architects, artists and interior designers from all small island developing states are eligible for the award. The deadline to submit applications for the award is January 31. Entrants selected in the category will be challenged to create a wearable garment out of materials and non-typical textiles used in the building industry. A written description of their proposed pieces must accompany the application. Each applicant will have the option of using a fashion design student or professional as a consultant in crafting the piece. Entries must be completed and submitted for judging no later than April 23, 2012 and will be installed at Doongalik Studios during the week of the showcase. Endorsed from its inception in 2008 by the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO), Islands of the World Fashion Week has been successful in fulfilling its mandate of promoting island designers from around the world and exposing them to international media and buyers. The new award category joins the other designer awards available to participants including the NextGen Designer, Sustainable Eco-Fashion, and Culture and Fashion along with five Seals of Excellence and the Humanitarian Award.

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