Journalist's thanks for support after brutal attack

POLICE have no leads as yet into the carjacking of Tribune journalist Chester Robards who was brutally attacked at the streetlight at Wulff and Parkgate Roads over the weekend. Receiving numerous injuries to his face, Mr Robards had his cellular phone, laptop, iPod touch, and his white Honda Civic stolen in the attack. Yesterday, he issued a statement to all his well-wishers who called, emailed, or visited him at his home, thanking them for their kindness and concern. "I'm doing fine and I am proud of the camaraderie that I have felt from everyone. I hope my story is a lesson to everyone who reads it and continues to see it. And I hope all Bahamians take heed, watch your backs and most of all take care of each other," he said. Mr Robards added that he is also appreciative of the criticism that he has received from this ordeal and the fact that it has been made public will help others to be careful and aware of their surroundings. "My situation didn't have to occur the way it did, or the time it did, or the area it did or in the country it did - but it happened. "As a journalist, I have reported on many heinous acts exacted upon innocent Bahamians by desperate Bahamians - some of whom simply do not have the civility to care about the people they brutalise. I hope that we can come together and help each other. "This means help even from the people who may not know the victims of crimes but personally know the people who commit them. "If my blood splattered shirt and bruised face, or the stiffened bodies of the murdered who make the news almost daily, do not appeal to your sense of compassion, then take a second look at yourself as a human being. "My ordeal could have been worse - my situation did not have to occur at all. I thank God for my life and for you guys who are an important part of it. "I hope the freedoms inherent in us all are able to be. Despite the constant downgrade of our crime problem, this country is in fact under siege. But, if we take care of each other - all of us - we will eventually be the 'One Bahamas' that has recently become a popular sales pitch," he said.

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