By LAMECH JOHNSON A MAN was arraigned in Magistrate's Court Friday afternoon in connection with the country's second homicide for the year. Levardo Butler, 27, appeared before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell in Court 8 in connection with the Balls Alley shooting death of a 32-year-old father a week ago. It is alleged that he shot and killed Mario Stuart on Saturday, January 7. The deceased, a cousin of FNM Bamboo Town candidate Cassius Stuart, was shot in the stomach shortly after 2am in front of his home in Balls Alley. He was taken to hospital in a private vehicle where he later died of his injuries. The accused was not required to enter a plea to the charge due to the seriousness of the offence. He was told that a Voluntary Bill of Indictment would be served against him on Monday, March 12. The Bill would fast track the case to the Supreme Court for trial, bypassing a lengthy preliminary inquiry. Tai Pinder, defence attorney for the accused, claimed that her client had been severely beaten while in police custody at the Central Detective Unit. She said he had to be admitted to the Princess Margaret Hospital for treatment. She said that her client's medical record and ID bracelet, though named under a different surname, could prove so. When asked if he spoke up to correct this, he said: "No, man." Ms Pinder explained that her client's unconscious state at the time was the reason for the mistake going unnoticed. She further claimed that her client, to whom she was "twice" denied access, had been forced to sign a statement some "three-four hours after he had been discharged from hospital." Deputy Chief Magistrate Bethell said that she would make a note of the alleged police brutality and recommended that Butler be examined by a physician at Her Majesty's Prison. She then told him that he would be remanded, as the court did not have the power to grant bail in these matters. He returns on Monday, March 12 before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez in Court One.

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