A 25-YEAR-OLD man, said to be out on bail, was killed when he was shot in the face behind a restaurant off East Street yesterday, according to reports. Police were said to be without many leads into the fatal shooting and would not say what he had been previously charged with. It is understood that the victim's name is Dennis Tynes. Last night, police spokesperson Stephen Dean said not much was known about the circumstances that led to the country's fifth homicide. Tynes was reportedly shot shortly after 2pm behind Needles Inn, restaurant and bar located on Lincoln Boulevard just off East Street. Supt Dean said the victim died in hospital of his injuries after he was taken there in a private vehicle. Meanwhile, a man is in serious condition in hospital after he was gunned down in a separate incident early yesterday morning. Earlier the same day, a 26-year-old man was shot multiple times while sitting inside a car at Claridge Road. The victim was parked outside a residence when he was approached by another man shortly before 3am, according to police. The 26-year-old was taken to hospital in a private vehicle. In other crime-related matters, police arrested a 42-year-old man after he was found in possession of a handgun on Saturday. According to police, the Pitt Road resident was on bail for firearm possession at the time. Mobile patrol officers spotted a man discharging a firearm while in the area of Howard Street off Chippingham Road sometime around 6.30pm. According to police, the man was seen throwing an object under a nearby vehicle, and upon their search, a handgun was discovered. Police are appealing to anyone who might have information that could assist in any of these investigations to contact them at 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers at 328-TIPS.

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