Marquis at large: Is Tommy serious?

MINISTER of National Security Tommy Turnquest wants an apology from an Australian journalist for depicting the Bahamas as "under siege" by crime and violence, but The Tribune's weekly columnist John Marquis is asking if Mr Turnquest can really be serious. With violent death being a common currency among drug dealers and other criminals, especially in inner-city communities, Mr Marquis is of the opinion that "whatever spin Mr Turnquest tries to put on it, the situation is getting worse, despite the best efforts of police to contain the crime spiral." "Places like Bain Town and Englerston are full of ruthless hitmen who would blow you away for a day's pay and never turn a hair. I know because local pastors have told me so." To read more, buy The Big T, brought to you by The Tribune, this Saturday for "Marquis at Large" on how crime is now spreading to all communities throughout New Providence.

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