Miller hits out at Ingraham over 'personal attacks'

By KHRISNA VIRGIL FORMER member of parliament Leslie Miller hit back at Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham yesterday saying that he has been the victim of their continuous personal attacks. Mr Miller, the PLP's Tall Pines candidate, claimed he is clueless as to why the Prime Minister would say the PLP is desperate, when it is evident the FNM takes every chance to "mud-sling" him and his colleagues. "It has come to me that Mr Ingraham is sending people door-to-door in Tall Pines to spread lies about me, but no matter what he does, we will win that seat by a large margin." "They want to condemn you, castrate you, and you just sit silent as they continue to say whatever and then when you blast them out, they want to run to the media," he said. Referring to two FNM candidates who he claims made "disparaging remarks" against him, Mr Miller said their leader should have rectified the situation instead of allowing the slander to continue. "Mr Ingraham was right there," said Mr Miller, "and he could have put a stop to it. He is the Prime Minister, and had the opportunity to say 'Look here cut out the foolishness, stop talkin' garbage and stick to the issues.'" "He sat and was laughing with them." In another instance Mr Miller claimed, he, the PLP deputy Chairman Keith Bell, and other candidates were again spoken of poorly at an FNM constituency office opening. "At the opening for Zhivargo Laing's headquarters last week, Mr Turnquest went on the podium and said 'some of my police friends say I should drop something on Keith Bell. I know Keith Bell would like that, but I don't go that way,'" he said. Mr Miller further slammed Mr Turnquest for attempting to tarnish the names of people who have worked hard to develop good reputations. He said: "Turnquest made those damning remarks about Keith Bell, a man with a wife and three children, a top of the line lawyer, who I am told was among the highest scoring young lawyers in his time, called to the Bar." "Bell is an ex first class police officer in this country as well. He is a brilliant mind, but why would you have to say such things?" It is now time to speak to the issues that deeply affect people instead of attacking the character of those who want to make a difference in this country, Mr Miller said.

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