Ministry event helps those in most need

MORE than 3,000 people converged on the Diplomat Centre for Bahamas Faith Ministry's first Kingdom Commonwealth Day and Love Fest celebration. The day was set aside to make "the-wealth-common" in an effort to meet the needs of individuals in the church and their extended families. BFM members were asked to bring from their homes anything they wanted to give away to those in need. The goods were placed in front of BFM's meeting hall. Larger items such as appliances were kept outside in tents. Anyone in need was invited to come and take home items at no cost. BFM senior pastor Dr Myles Munroe said: "We want to show our love for members in a tangible way and also give them an opportunity to give and receive during these events. We fed over 3,000 people and gave away essential items including dry food goods, clothing, shoes, household goods and appliances." BFM was moved to undertake this initiative because Bahamian households are struggling with the high cost of living and unemployment, Dr Munroe said. "These events were our church's response to the rising unemployment situation, expanding poverty and the hardship thousands of Bahamians are experiencing as result the impact of the global economic crisis. "We as a ministry with a focus on our 2012 theme, Kingdom Commonwealth Economy, wanted to demonstrate the reality that the church as a community can alleviate much of the stress, lack and frustration among its members and their extended families by providing a common sharing of our material goods, monies and food items with those who experiencing hard times now," said Dr Munroe. "The response is already overwhelming", said Dr Richard Pinder, a local church pastor. "Thousands of dollars of clothing, appliances, food stuff and large furniture were delivered to the Diplomat Centre." There was sea of more than 1,000 pairs of new and used shoes covering the steps of the alter and thousands of male and female casual and dress suits, dresses, slacks, shirts, ties, and coats along with groceries, toiletries, kitchens utensils, and small and large appliances. After thousands collected their goods, the action moved outside where many tents were waiting with full four-course hot meals for all. "I have never experienced anything like before in my entire life. So much love, kindness, generosity and compassion. This is amazing and I hope many other ministries will catch this spirit," said visitor Louise Smith from New York. "I lost my job two months ago and I came here today not knowing how my kids would have clothes to wear for school - and look, my arms are full of enough for them for the rest of the year. Look at the four pairs of shoes they needed," said Florence Mackey. Bahamas Faith Ministries Freeport Fellowship held its own Commonwealth Day and Love Fest, which attracted 500 people. "We were overwhelmed by the response of our Freeport BFM Members and how they gave so freely," said Minister Larry Russell and Dr Havard Cooper, leaders in the Freeport fellowship. BFM plans to hold the community event three more times this year and is encouraging its members and other concerned corporate citizens to donate generously.

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