OPPOSITION MP for Fox Hill Fred Mitchell has attacked the appointment of McKinney, Bancroft and Hughes managing partner Brian Moree to the chairmanship of the Public Service Commission. In a statement issued yesterday, Mr Mitchell called the choice of Mr Moree "inappropriate and a travesty of public administration". He said Mr Moree is someone who has no experience with the Public Service . More importantly, Mr Mitchell said, the FNM government's first term in office is about to end, and such an appointment should be the choice of the next administration and the next prime minister. He said: "The Prime Minister should know the point well, since it is an objection which he has taken in the past. Mr Mitchell said the FNM should be careful to avoid creating the impression they are engaging in "cronyism" by appointing people who are openly aligned to the party. Mr Moree could not be reached for comment before The Tribune went to press.

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