MP hails work on Montagu foreshore

By DANA SMITH MONTAGU MP Loretta Butler-Turner said the still-under-construction Montagu Foreshore is set to become "one of the most amazing recreational areas in New Providence". The redevelopment project, funded by the government and Kerzner International, was officially launched last year on September 22. Although it is not yet completed, a notable difference can be seen in the appearance of the area. The renovations include the addition of groynes or large boulders to stop wash-off of the beach, a complete clean-up of debris and garbage, and a newly paved parking-lot. Ms Butler-Turner said of the project yesterday that it's not "just a beach restoration" but an overall improvement of the entire area. "I can recall the days when I, like many families, use to enjoy Montagu beach for recreation." Around 10 or 15 years ago, she said, many persons living in the east "started agitating for some upgrades." Although "many MPs said they would make it their objective," she is proud that her goal to begin the transformation of Montagu was accomplished. "It all started a few years ago when we started seeing improper use of the ramp which is used by the fish vendors. It started out with one or two vendors and then it became a real congested area." This was just one of many issues with the foreshore, including lack of parking facilities, difficult boat ramp access, and slow traffic flow. "Unfortunately for us we realised it would cost millions of dollars (to address all the problems)," Ms Butler-Turner said. "But it didn't die, we started looking for other sources." It was then that the Prime Minister asked Kerzner International if they would be interested in funding the beach restoration, while the Ministry of Works would fund the roadwork and park development. "Kerzner decided for it to be a gift to the Bahamian people and we're very grateful, not just as a constituency, but as a government for the restorative work that they've done," Ms Butler-Turner said. "It is an unbelievable, beautiful beach and recreation area now." And more is to come, she said. A "whole new display" of stalls for the fish vendors will be created, and the beach, seaside park and picnic area will all be extended. A new road junction will also be created to "mitigate against the evening traffic" on East Bay Street. "It's going to be one of the most amazing recreational areas in New Providence. This was one of my promises to the people of Montagu and I am so proud that the government and Kerzner made it possible for the people," Ms Butler-Turner said. "I am very, very proud to be able to say that under this government's administration we have truly made a big difference in Montagu." She also revealed that during plans for the redevelopment project, a traffic management study was undertaken to confirm the cause of the constant traffic jams. It determined the gridlock is caused in part by three junctions on the Eastern Road: Fox Hill, Johnson Road, and Blair Estates. As a result, work is presently being undertaken to create a third lane for Johnson Road and Blair, just like the one created at Fox Hill corner last year. The blind-corner next to the Baker property on William Street has also been redeveloped to make it safer, Ms Butler-Turner said.

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