Parents still seek justice

OUTRAGED parents are still seeking justice over an accident that left several children seriously injured more than a year ago. After numerous attempts to get closure, they say that they are frustrated and want answers right away. According to police reports, at around 9.35pm on February 18, 2011, there was an accident on the corner of Gladstone and Fire Trail Roads involving a 2009 Crown Victoria, licence plate number 174052, and a 2001 Daewoo Labos truck, license plate number 19804, driven by a 37-year-old man and carrying five people on the rear bed. However, parents and eyewitnesses claim there were seven persons on the back of the truck. The Crown Victoria - a police vehicle - was travelling south on Gladstone Road and the Daewoo Truck was heading north on Gladstone Road when the two vehicles collided. Shantell Rolle, mother of Wren Rolle who was 14 at the time of the accident, told The Tribune: "My son had his legs injured in the accident. "He keeps complaining about pain in his knees. He fell on both of his knees and elbows. I can't see how the police keep turning us around. I want to take my boy away to get a good check-up to see what's really wrong. "The police kept turning us around. They need to meet with us. Something has to be done, it's too long now." Patrice Williams, mother of Patrick Williams, who was also 14 at the time of the accident, told The Tribune: "We are still waiting for some resolution. We haven't heard anything yet. I wanted to take him away to do some more scans. "He still has scarring on top of his eyes and under his eyes. We need to know what is happening. The Commissioner of Police had assured us that he was going to resolve the situation. My child is not okay and I need justice." Ms Williams noted that her son suffered injuries to his eyes in the accident. She said she has now turned to her new constituency representative for help. Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade acknowledged after the accident that police had not demonstrated "the requisite amount of sensitivity" in dealing with the matter.

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