"SATURATION patrols" are critical to the fight against crime, according to the PLP. The party said this tactic will be an essential part of its policing strategy if elected to be the next government. PLP candidate for Pinewood Khaalis Rolle yesterday said the scourge of crime will lead to the destruction of the Bahamas if it remains unchecked. He called for enhanced surveillance capabilities and a "heavier, more visible" police presence. Saturation patrols, which involve a large number of officers being concentrated in a small geographic area, will serve as a preemptive strike against illegal activities in crime hot-spots, he said. Pointing to the consecutive murder records over the last two years, Mr Rolle called for individuals across the country to engage in social partnerships in an effort to take control of their streets and neighborhoods. "The FNM plan is much too little, much too late, with little to no emphasis on prevention and rehabilitation. "The DNA has issued zero proposals to prevent crime or to rehabilitate criminals - their meager offerings focus only on judicial reform. "The PLP is the only party with a comprehensive plan to fight crime and reduce violence," Mr Rolle said. Unveiled last year, the party's anti-crime platform, Project Safe Bahamas, includes: Operation Ceasefire, Urban Renewal 2.0, Swift Justice, and the Safe Bahamas Initiative. In addition to saturation patrols, Operation Ceasefire will also employ rapid response strike forces; "violence breakers", which will seek to prevent revenge killings; increased surveillance of persons out on bail; speedy murder trials; and Shock Treatment - a programme that exposes at-risk youths to the consequences of gun violence.

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