Monday, February 23, 2009
THE PLP claims Zhivargo Laing, Minister of State for Finance and Public Services, is "running scared" from his Marco City seat because he is "afraid to stand on his record of broken promises."
This comment comes amid speculation that Mr Laing may run in the Nassau constituency of Fort Charlotte rather than Grand Bahama's Marco City.
In a statement, the Opposition claimed: "Zhirvargo Laing is running scared and away from the people of Marco City. Having promised the people of Grand Bahama that an FNM government could easily create thousands of new jobs, he is now afraid to stand on his record of broken promises. The people of Ft Charlotte will not accept rejected goods. Bahamians everywhere deserve better."
The PLP claimed Grand Bahama's five parliament members, three of whom are cabinet ministers, have "been asleep at the wheel" and "have presided over the worst economic times ever experienced by Grand Bahama."
The only record the FNM can show for Grand Bahama is "failure and a litany of broken promises," according to the PLP.
This record includes the Royal Oasis Hotel and Casino "forgotten about and left to ruin," the closing of all the Grand Bahama City Market locations, the closing of Grand Bahama Distributors, and the closing of several Grand Bahama hotels.
The PLP states the list is "a snapshot" of Grand Bahama's "perishing economy" and the "human suffering" under the FNM. "The FNM government cannot identify one new major project that it introduced to Grand Bahama in the last four and one half years. The few bright spots in Grand Bahama ... were all started by Christie's PLP administration."
Should the PLP win in the next election, they propose to "resurrect and upgrade" the Grand Bahama Promotion Board and to "retool" the Hotel Corporation to provide support to smaller hotel properties.
They also propose "strict" immigration policies, a mortgage reform for "struggling homeowners," and will "place significant emphasis" on training and education.
"To restore Grand Bahama as the industrial capital of the Bahamas, the Ministry responsible for energy will specifically focus on the needs and importance of Grand Bahama with a view to creating thousands of jobs and business opportunities," the statement said.
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