PM welcomed in Marco City

By DENISE MAYCOCK Tribune Freeport Reporter FREEPORT: Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was well received by a huge crowd of FNM supporters on Saturday evening at the opening of the party's Marco City Headquarters in East Sunrise Shopping Center. Mr Ingraham said Marco City is special to the Free National Movement, and has been good the party. He also said that Marco City played a significant role in his political journey to first becoming leader of the FNM, and later becoming the Prime Minister of the Bahamas. "You were faithful to Cecil Wallace Whitfield, our party's founding father. In the 1990 by-election you reaffirmed your faith in us and gave me my first victory as your leader," Mr Ingraham recalled. "You gave me my start as the leader of this Party. You caused me to be there to become Prime Minister of The Bahamas. I will never let you down. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Marco City MP Zhivargo Laing told supporters he is very grateful for their support and he fully endorses the party's new candidate Norris Bain, principal of Tabernacle Baptist Academy. Mr Ingraham asked voters in Marco City to vote for coach Norris Bain as their next MP. "Norris Bain is the man for Marco City," said the Prime Minister. "He is not going to pimp to no foreigner on you. His hand is not in any foreigner's pocket. And he is not beholden to any foreign man. "He is out of Eight Mile Rock. He is a good man. Vote for him. He is a family man and an educator." Mr Ingraham said Grand Bahama is set to give the FNM all five seats. "Grand Bahama I am back. Unlike what Perry Christie told you last night, no - I didn't come here to ask for forgiveness. I gave you the best of my service. "I gave you sincere, honest and trustworthy service. I gave you honourable service. You don't apologise and ask for forgiveness when you do something right you know. But every time I speak between now and Election Day if I remember, I am going to ask Christie to apologise for something." Mr Ingraham said the PLP leader should apologise to the owners and workers of City Market food stores. "Please Mr Christie, tell them you did them wrong!" he said. He further stated that the PLP government left Grand Bahama worse off in 2007 than they found it in 2002.

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