polling station confusion frustrates voters

By NOELLE NICOLLS Tribune Features Editor POLLING station confusion frustrated voters who turned out for early voting. One South Beach resident said she changed her vote at the last minute because she was so vex. She said that for the past 30 years she voted at CV Bethel High School, only to be turned away yesterday morning when she arrived on foot. She had to catch a ride with "a stranger" to her actual polling station on Marshall Road. Another man, who voted in Nassau Village, said he made it all the way to the voting room, only to be turned around and sent to the back of the line at the correct polling station on the other side of the school. Cleveland Eneas Primary School was the location for two constituencies: Pinewood and Nassau Village. Voters said the polling station signs were "too small and inconspicuous." The school entrance on the Charles W Saunders highway was the location of the Pinewood polling station, while the main entrance to the school on the side road Buttonwood Avenue was the location of the Nassau Village polling station. Printed on each voter's card was the name of the constituency and the polling division number, said an official at the Parliamentary Registration Department. That polling division number had to be matched against the list of polling stations published by the Parliamentary Registration Department in its public notice. "I had people calling me yesterday morning who I thought would have known where they were to go. I guess they may have been partying too much the night before! "They were just calling and calling and calling. It is a good thing I had my list," said Bradley Roberts, chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

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