Saturday's Big T

DON'T miss The Big T on sale Saturday, packed with news, features, fashion, entertainment and up to $150 in food and shopping coupons. This week, we feature a blind couple who are fighting to save their four-month-old baby's eyesight. Also, read about the first ever Bahamian soap opera, "Gippie's Kingdom", and meet the cast of the show that will make Wednesday night television just a little bit more dramatic. In our regular weekly columns, John Marquis pays tribute to his mentor, the late Sir Etienne Dupuch, while Adrian Gibson in A Young Man's View ponders the "Enigma of Branville McCartney". Also read about a 16-year-old Bahamian pianist who is ranked among the best in the region. In our STYLZ section, learn how to add a little spice to every outfit with Bahamian designer LaVonne Ferguson's new "Mexicana Masala" accessories collection, and take a first look at what colours will be hot for the summer.

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