Sound bites from girls-only talk

Below are highlights from student presentations delivered last week at the Doris Johnson Senior High School 'Chat Room for Girls'. Candice Strachan 12th Grade Student "Women voted for the first time on November 26, 1962, the right to vote came about because of five principal leaders who stood against inequality. These women are Mary Ingraham, Georgiana Symonette, Eugenia Lockhart, Mabel Walker and Dame Doris Johnson. They had courage and determination to achieve their goals and to also pave the road for other women to advance in the Bahamas. The chief road blocks to Bahamian women gaining full citizenship were the tradition attitudes of men and women towards their respective roles in society; the lack of equal education and training; and also the lack of child care facilities for working mothers. But the founding members of the women's suffrage movement surmounted those obstacles... Young ladies, are you determined to make your dreams come true? Are you surmounting the obstacles that you may face? Do you understand the roadblocks that are in front of you? Are you making strategic plans to surmount these obstacles? Are you really working towards your goals? It is your time to shine. Be empowered and shape the future." Deokonique Strachan Vice President, Student Council "Strong, proud, independent, black and unique are just a few of my inherited traits. Where did I get such qualities? From strong, proud, independent, black Bahamian women who came before me... My dream ladies is to one day become the first female prime minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. This would not even have been a dream before the 1960s. Now it is more than a dream, and even a strong possibility. I have faith in the women of my generation, yet sometimes I have to wonder, do you have faith in yourself... I was asked, who inspires me? However, no one person really inspired me, but women who stand up for what they believe is right; women who rose above all odds and women of valour, agents of change, are the ones who inspire me... Be the change you want to see and aim for greatness. Don't let the naysayers deter you from your ambitions. Keep the dream, hope and future alive." Dwaneika Colebrooke Head Girl "My favourite quote is 'your aspirations are your possibilities'. No one person really has one specific goal. They have goals lined up. You have to start with a short term goal and the easiest place to start is right now. When you start now in school with academics and joining clubs it will help you. What you can do is make a goal plan. You could get organised: pick specific times to study; to go on Facebook (not too long, not too short); and you could pick which friends you keep. My main goal is to empower. Believe in yourself. Love yourself and don't give up before the miracle happens." Shannon Pennicooke 10th Grade Student, Highest GPA "You are young, beautiful and teething with potential. You are a priceless gem worth more than billions. You can be anything and anyone you want to be, so why not? Set at least one goal for yourself and do everything that will help you to achieve this goal... You cannot be lazy and expect for everything to fall in place one time. You have to study and you have to do your homework and do what the teacher says. You have to be a good student: have manners and show that you can do lots of thing. You have to think positive. Don't compete with people because you will just be trying to focus on competing with them instead of focusing on your work. You will be comparing grades instead of trying to do your best." Stephanique Davis Junior Achievement Member "As young ladies who are looking to go somewhere in life, we have to passionately pursue our purpose. There is a Bahamian woman by the name of Nikita Shiel-Rolle. She holds the title of dive master, director and cave diver. This brilliant Bahamian female is a student at the University of Miami. Ms Rolle is the director of the non-profit organisation Young Marine Explorers. Nothing comes easy in life. You have to strive for what you want. As women today we have to stand out like Ms Nikita. She went through it all, but she did not let those stumbling blocks deter her. She pushed and pushed and overcame them all. So I encourage you to be like Ms Nikita Rolle and passionately pursue your purpose, because there is a light in each and every one of us. So let your light shine." Jasmine Charlton 12th Grade Student "The 21st century has brought a number of changes to our lives. Sad to say, young women are just that: young women, who are most times sidetracked and in some cases derailed by the fantasies portrayed by the media, technology, along with friends... We have a mantle to carry on that was handed down by women who have fought tirelessly to make a mark... To this end, we have a responsibility as young women to step to the plate of life and give our all. As young women we must connect, unite, come together and take this global village by storm. So when you hear the word connect, think capable, organised, nimble, nifty, energetic, creative and talented."

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