Student stories ready for showtime

What: COB Short Film Festival 2012 When: April 12, 10:00 am Where: Harry C. Moore Library Auditorium, College of the Bahamas Documentaries Ya Haitian Self This short documentary explores the Haitian/Bahamian stigma that exists in the Bahamas. Where did it all begin? How does it affect people? Is there a revolution on the rise? Length: 30 min Good News This narrative documentary depicts the life of William Lunn as well as gives first-person insight into the lives of Nassau's homeless and street dwellers. 'Good News' illustrates how one can recover from life on the streets to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Length: 30 min Who are we? It is an empirical research video document on various aspects of Bahamian culture and national identity. It features in depth interviews with professionals in different fields and experience to provide opinions of what Bahamian culture really is from both a public and academic standpoint. The documentary seeks to enlighten viewers about many different aspect that make up Bahamian culture and to possibly redefine the general perception of who or what a Bahamian is. Duration: 28 min Short Films Last Week Tuesday A proper treatment on depression. Nine vignettes, sewn together to form a chaotic story of various facets of the human psyche with a focus the loathsome feeling of rejection. Duration: 19:42 min I love life (but life has a boyfriend) Using the extended metaphor of "Allan" the 'everyman', the film's surreal allegorical narrative exploring the themes of love and incurable fate; life does not always go the way we wish and that death is inescapable. Duration: 14:51 min En Route In a world that is ever moving, ever changing direction, ever presenting us with opportunities, decisions and distractions, sometimes the ride of life can be too much. En Route, set on the public transportation system of The Bahamas, follows the life of Alyssa Smith, from her primary school days that quickly evolved from a time of innocence to a time of turmoil compiled of her shaky relationship with her verbally abusive mother, to her adulthood: a time of uncertainty and broken dreams, and everything in between. Duration: 30 min

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