JUSTICE Indra Charles has been sworn in as a Justice of the Supreme Court by Governor-General, Sir Arthur Foulkes. Justice Charles served as a Justice of the High Court of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court since January, 2000. She served as a resident Justice in the British Virgin Islands from January, 2005, until her retirement from that Court in December, 2011. She also served as an Acting Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court on three separate occasions. Educated at the University of the West Indies, Justice Charles received her Certificate of Legal Education from the Council of Legal Education in 1983. Prior to her appointment as a Justice of that court, Justice Charles served as a Magistrate, and Chief Registrar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court. Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett said he is pleased the Supreme Court has been able to have such an experienced judge on the Bench. He said: "Justice Charles brings a wealth of experience both on the criminal and civil side. "Having served in the British Virgin Islands, Justice Charles has presided over civil trials relating to the financial services industry as well the usual criminal matters that are found in the countries of our region." The Chief Justice said Justice Charles will be assigned to the criminal side of the Supreme Court to enable the Court to adjudicate on at least five criminal trials in New Providence at the same time. Justice Charles is the mother of two sons.

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