Teenager refused bail over 12th killing of year

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter ljohnson@tribunemedia.net A TEENAGER was remanded to prison yesterday after being arraigned in Magistrates Court in connection with the country's 12th homicide for the year. Thaddeus Williams, 19, of Hospital Lane, appeared before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez in Court Six, Nassau Street. It is alleged that he is responsible for the February 10 shooting death of 23-year-old Deshante Bain. The Scott Street resident was shot and killed outside his home between West Street and Hospital Lane. Williams was not required to enter a plea to the charge due to its nature. Chief Magistrate Gomez told the accused the prosecution would present him with a Voluntary Bill of Indictment on May 16. The Bill, he said, would forward the case directly to Supreme Court for trial. The accused was also charged with causing grievous harm to Anterieo Demeritte on February 6. He pleaded not guilty, on the grounds that he had acted in self-defence. His attorney Murrio Ducille told the chief magistrate his client had been in police custody since last Thursday. "He was severely beaten and you can see his face is all scratched up," he said. Mr Ducille also claimed officers "tased" his client in the back and in the mouth. He said Williams was only brought before the court yesterday because his mother went to the Central Detective Unit to check up on him. Williams told his mother he was supposed to be charged on Monday, Mr Ducille said. Chief Magistrate Gomez noted the complaints and ordered the accused to be taken to hospital for examination and treatment. He then remanded Williams to Her Majesty's Prison until the completion of his trial. The grievous harm trial begins on July 5.

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