The mimicking spirit

By KEVIN EWING JUST about everyone has at one time or another experienced a relationship with a person they have so much in common with it made them think they had met their soul mate. Surprisingly, once the relationship has properly begun everything abruptly changes and it now appears as if they're in a relationship with the devil himself. The above scenario just so happens to be the most common occurrence in the average relationship. The purpose of the source perpetrating this type of relationship is to mislead its victim into believing in something that really doesn't exist, and at best, to keep this individual who truly desires a genuine relationship from the person God has ordained for them or to delay or hinder them in their search for their desired mate. Thus, I want to speak today on the root of this evil - the "mimicking spirit". The word mimic is defined as imitating or copying in action, speech, behaviour etc. It also means to impersonate, imitate, or simulate. The general idea is to be or become something that one is certainly not. Interestingly enough, there is nothing new about this spirit. Like I said earlier, its mission is to mislead its victim, but more importantly to make its victim focus entirely on what appeases their five senses, thus making the victim completely ignorant of the spiritual forces involved which have blinded them physically from the obvious. Consequently the victim succumbs to the likeness of what appears to be real and not the true nature of what it really is. So let us look at a biblical scenario of this to bring about spiritual clarity. Mark 9:17: "And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit." Now normally we would read this text and think nothing of it, but there is a revelation in here. The revelation here is that the man did not say his son was dumb, instead he said that his son had (or was possessed by) a dumb spirit. This suggests that there was a spirit that was in his son that was mimicking the behaviour of a genuinely dumb person, while at the same time giving others the impression that the boy was really dumb. Another example of this would be found in Luke 13:10-17. In this particular story there is a woman who was seen as a cripple to the average person observing her. However, Jesus said in verse 11 that this woman has a "spirit of infirmity". Again, suggesting that there was really nothing wrong with this woman, however, this spirit that was in her has been mimicking the behaviour of a crippled person for 18 years. In both cases the root of these people's behaviour was a spirit and not the actual person. Wow! This means there could be someone you have allowed into your life who seemed to be the perfect mate or friend, but when you look at them more carefully, spiritually, you will notice that they have either been observing and learning you from a distance or they have attentively and skillfully listened to you as it relates to what you desire in a person or a mate and have become whatever it is that you told them you wanted. Fortunately, this spirit that inhabits a person can only mimic for so long, in short order it will rear its ugly head. Here are some of the signs to look for to conclusively identify this spirit. Beware if a person is extremely moody and selfish; always anxious to know more about their victim; appear to be very passionate and overly concerned, but are very controlling; very crafty and deceitful; abnormally secretive, releasing very little information about themselves. You will notice this spirit if the person immediately loses interest in their victim once their objective has been achieved. It could also be someone who loves playing the victim role if it appears as if they will be discovered. This type of person can be extremely sensitive initially, but always acts with an ulterior motive in mind; has absolutely no problem moving on to the next relationship to begin the vicious, heartless, diabolic cycle all over again while leaving destroyed lives behind feeling zero remorse. These are but a few of the obvious signs to identify this crafty spirit that has mislead so many and that has been the cause of so many people's bitterness and their inability to trust others anymore. I know some of you reading this right now are in complete shock because you thought your case was an isolated incident. My advice to you my friend is, firstly, people are rarely what they present themselves to be, especially if their motives are evil. The truth is, the best of us from time to time pretend to be something or someone we're not. Therefore it is our responsibility to do our home work concerning these people, research and ask questions about their character. Secondly, because this evil is of a spiritual nature it has to be addressed spiritually. Take this opportunity and ask God to give you a spirit of discernment, so that you will have the ability to see beyond what your five senses are telling you. Finally, every one of us has the God-given ability to detect in our spirit when something is not right with the spirit of others. As a matter of fact, we say it in our conversations with others all the time, "My spirit doesn't take to him/her". At that very moment your spirit is attempting to give you a heads-up to pending danger; 99.9 per cent of the time this heads-up is correct. As scripture says, "For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God." (1 Corinthians 2:11) You are not reading this article by accident or coincidence! Heavenly Father in the name of your son Jesus Christ we command every mimicking spirit to expose themselves openly now! We also command in the name of Jesus that not only that this spirit become confused with their diabolical plans but that it would leave its host indefinitely and that the spiritual eyes of its victim be opened spiritually in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen! * Kevin Ewing can reached at or

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