Twins choose to help less fortunate children

GEMMA and Toby Cafferata recently celebrated their 8th birthdays in an extraordinary way - by donating almost $700 to the Grand Bahama Children's Home. "We all know how excited children get about their birthdays, and a large part of that is often thinking about the presents. "When we think of Gemma and Toby asking for donations for the children at the home instead of gifts for themselves, it just amazes us," said GBCH administrator Brennamae Rolle-Cooper. "It is such a generous, loving way for them to celebrate their birthdays. "This wonderful donation is very much needed and will go a long way in helping us at the home. We want to say a big thank you to Gemma and Toby for this gift, thank you to their generous friends for remembering our children and for setting a great example for us all," she said. This is the second year the twins celebrated their birthday with a donation to the home.

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