By LAMECH JOHNSON TWO men were acquitted of murder in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon after the judge ordered a 12-member jury to deliver a unanimous verdict of not guilty. Cordero Saunders, 21, and Terrel Mackey, 23, of Central Andros, were both on trial for the January 9, 2010, shooting death of Jermain Deal. They were discharged following Senior Justice Jon Isaacs' ruling on "no-case" submissions made by defence attorneys Terrel Butler and Murrio Ducille yesterday afternoon. On the day in question, Deal, 22, of North Mastic Point, Andros was found shot to death in a green Nissan Sentra. Evidence from Princess Margaret Hospital pathologist Dr Caryn Sands yesterday showed that the victim died from close range shotgun wounds to the head and neck, and long range shots to the abdomen. Upon completion of testimony by prosecution witnesses, Mr Ducille and Mrs Butler made submissions to the court in the absence of the jury, on the fact that there was no evidence against their clients. When the jury returned to court yesterday afternoon, Senior Justice Isaacs told them that based upon closed discussions with the defence attorneys and prosecutor Vernal Collie, they were to return a not guilty verdict. The foreman, as instructed, announced the unanimous 12-0 not guilty verdict.

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