By LAMECH JOHNSON TWO men were arraigned in Magistrate's Court yesterday on multiple armed robbery and stealing charges in separate cases. In the first of two arraignments, Kemel Blanc, 26, of 229 Ghana Circle, appeared before Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez on Monday to be charged with two armed robberies, a car theft and receiving. All the offenses are alleged to have been committed by the accused on April 3. The prosecution claims that on that day, the Elizabeth Estates resident robbed Demion Turnquest of a Tommy Hilfiger wallet, a Nokia cell phone and an Echo Drive watch while armed with a handgun. The three items are said to have a combined value of $588. It is further claimed that he held up and robbed Kristian Adderley of a BlackBerry phone worth $599 and an iPad valued at $1,281. It is also alleged that he stole and received a silver Nissan Maxima worth $8,500 belonging to Sheldon Longley. The accused was not allowed to enter a plea to the armed robbery charges but pleaded not guilty to stealing and receiving. The matter will be forwarded to Supreme Court for trial when the prosecution presents a Voluntary Bill of Indictment in Court One, Bank Lane on February 16, 2012. Blanc was remanded to Her Majesty's Prison until the completion of his trial. The other man, Anthony Farrington, was arraigned on five armed robbery charges and the same number of receiving charges. The prosecution alleges that on Tuesday, October 11, the accused, while armed with a handgun, robbed five individuals of accessories, electronic items and cash, together valued more than $1,000. While he plead not guilty to receiving the items, he was not allowed to enter a plea to any of the armed robbery charges. Farrington told Chief Magistrate Gomez that while in custody at the Central Detective Unit, he was a victim police brutality. He also told the court that officers refused to allow him to see a doctor. Farrington claimed his jaw had been broken before and that he feared it was broken again as a result of the alleged beating. He also claimed to have a gunshot wound in his leg. The complaints were noted and he was remanded to prison until the completion of his trial in the Supreme Court.

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