Woman accused over school

By LAMECH JOHNSON Tribune Staff Reporter ljohnson@tribunemedia.net A WOMAN accused of owning a private school that was reportedly operating without the required documents to do so will be arraigned in Magistrate's Court today. Gloria Sawyer, 60, will reappear before Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell of Court 8, Nassau Street, in connection with the alleged offence. Mrs Sawyer was supposed to have been charged in court yesterday morning. However, during the proceedings, a discrepancy was discovered with the docket detailing the charge. Deputy Chief Magistrate Bethell, admitting that business law was not her forte, told the accused that she would not arraign her as she wanted to be sure that the correct section according to the law was placed on the docket when she was arraigned. Prosecution had no objection to the police bail being extended to the accused until today's arraignment. Mrs Sawyer has retained Wayne Munroe as her attorney. The arraignment is expected to begin at 10am.

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